Music Reviews Progressive Metal

Soul Killing Female – Landmines

Soul Killing Female’s Landlines is a self-produced work by Michael Lewis that certainly has its influences on its sleeve and attempts to create an atmospheric experience with these influences in mind. The convolution of so many influences and the lack of collaboration leaves this album flat.

The album lacks any replay value since each song has a similar build-up and  never provides a lasting impression. Instead of an album filled with songs from a particular musician or group’s signature sound, Landmines is a rehashing of the artist’s need to find that perfect build-up that leads to a chaotic conclusion. The pattern becomes old on this album.

Progressive Rock

Still Alive

If you haven’t noticed, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a review but now I’m back. Graduate school doesn’t offer enough time to write quality progressive rock and metal reviews alongside my popular website CinemaFunk where I write movie reviews.

Despite my lack of updates, the site has grown in visits and pageviews and I might as well take advantage of that. I’m roughly 12 or so albums behind and that is after rejecting new album submissions so start to expect new reviews in the next several weeks.