Movie Review

Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage

Not only do I write for ProgSnobs, I am also a film critic for the website Film Junk which is a  film blog and podcast. Last month I wrote a review for the new Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage documentary. Here’s an excerpt from that review:

There are three types of people in the world: people who love Rush, people who hate Rush, and the rest of the world who have never heard of Rush. Regardless, after 36 years the band has accumulated two-dozen gold records and fourteen platinum records, and are responsible for influencing many of the modern metal and hard rock bands of today. Their story, like any other band, has its ups and downs and the most interesting aspect is that they have strayed away from complete mainstream acceptance from traditional press and critical praise. Director Sam Dunn (Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey,Iron Maiden: Flight 666) has thoroughly dug through nearly 40 years of material to construct a detailed timeline of Rush’s existence.

Read the whole review at Film Junk.